When And How To Bleed Your Radiators: Tips From Our Plumbers

Efficient home heating is essential for both comfort and cost-effectiveness. One often-overlooked task is bleeding your radiators. In this guide, our expert plumbers provide comprehensive advice on when and how to perform this essential and important task.

When to Bleed Your Radiators

The first question you may have is when to bleed your radiators. 

A telltale sign that it’s time to address this issue is when you notice your radiators aren’t heating up as swiftly or evenly as they used to. This can indicate the presence of trapped air within the radiator system, hindering the proper circulation of the hot water. Before you jump straight into calling a plumber, you might want to try bleeding the radiators, which can resolve this problem.

Getting Prepared

Before you begin the radiator bleeding process, it’s crucial to make some preparations. Ensure that your central heating system is switched off, and make sure the radiators have had time to cool down. Our plumbers also suggest having a towel or cloth on hand to catch any water that may escape during the bleeding process.

Locating the Bleed Valve

Each radiator in your home should have a small valve, typically situated at the top, or sides of the radiators. To access this valve, you may require a radiator key or a flathead screwdriver. The valve itself is designed to release air that has become trapped within the radiator.

The Radiator Bleeding Process

Here’s a step-by-step guide from our plumbers, on how to bleed your radiators:

1. Using the appropriate tool, such as a radiator key or screwdriver, carefully insert it into the valve.

2. Gently turn the tool counterclockwise. As you do this, you should hear a hissing sound, indicating that the air trapped within the radiator is beginning to escape. 

3. Continue turning until you observe a steady flow of water coming out from the valve.

4. Once you’ve achieved a consistent flow of water, it’s time to close the valve. To do this, turn the tool clockwise. Be cautious not to overtighten the valve, as this could lead to damage.

Repeat the Process

To ensure that your entire heating system operates efficiently, repeat this process for every radiator in your home. Our plumbers suggest starting from ground floor and work your way up.

Checking the System Pressure

After you’ve bled all the radiators, it’s really important to check the pressure gauge on your boiler. 

This gauge should indicate whether the pressure is within the recommended range. If it’s too low, you may need to add water to the system to bring it back to the appropriate level.

Bleeding your radiators is a straightforward DIY task that can significantly enhance your boiler’s efficiency. By following these steps and taking the time to maintain your radiators properly, your home will stay warm and comfortable throughout the colder months. However, if you feel uncertain or uncomfortable performing this task independently, get in touch with our plumbers who can help.


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